Four Score and Two Weeks Ago...
A lot has happened these past two weeks. I have been tried and tested and have been through more in these two weeks then some people in a year. I never in a million years would have guessed that this would be my life.
But here I am, and I'm going to tell my story the whole way through.
On Thursday February 9, 2017 I was diagnosed with cancer.
I had been feeling pain in my left ankle since the middle of December, so we went to the doctor and got a boot. I had it on for a month and after that, I had it off for three weeks.
I felt fine.
Then one Saturday I woke up to a ton of pain in the same ankle and it was swollen up to twice the size of the other ankle. We went back to the doctor and got the boot back on and then scheduled an MRI.
We got the MRI done and we found out I had a tumor. I went into complete shock and the doctor was talking, but I couldn't hear anything. Nothing at all.
The doctors didn't know what kind it was, or if it was benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Due to the unknown type, they sent us down to Los Angeles to get some tests.
I was terrified.
We did a CT guided biopsy to get pieces of the tumor out of my ankle and to test them to see if it was cancerous or not. The process of the biopsy was the scariest thing I've ever done. When it was over, the doctor said we would have news soon.
We got the news back and it was confirmed: I have cancer.
I have what's called a Ewing Sarcoma. It's a soft-tissue tumor between my tibia and fibula in my lower left leg. It is about 4-5 centimeters in size and is aggressive.
Due to its aggressive nature, I will receive chemotherapy, radiation, and then surgery to remove the tumor once it is smaller and dead. The chemotherapy will be in increments of 4-8 hours for 4-7 days with 2-3 weeks in between to recover. The whole process will take a year-and-a-half to two years. Because of the intensity of the treatment, I will no longer be going to school. I will be home-schooled through the district and I will still graduate and attend senior activities.
Thankfully, the tumor is localized, so it is only in my lower leg and not in any major organs. I've had more MRI's, CT scans, and IV's than most people in their lifetimes, in the span of five days. I have received a "port" in my upper left bicep that they will use to administer chemotherapy throughout my body. I will receive treatment at Cedars-Sinai down in Los Angles. This hospital is "the hospital" in the United States for cancer patients. I have a wonderful team of doctors, surgeons, nurses, dietitians, and therapists that are helping me through this journey.
However, my cancer is one of the most rare forms that occurs in people ages 10-20. Due to this, each time I need treatment, I will need to travel down to Los Angeles to be treated by specialists.
In calculation that's:
3+ hours down
4-8 hours of chemo
3+ hours back
We will be staying at the Ronald McDonald house for a week, each week I have chemo and then come back to Tehachapi for 2-3 weeks, when my treatment is done.
I will be starting a GoFundMe page to gather donations because CANCER. IS. EXPENSIVE!
This process will be long, hard, and expensive. But I can't thank everyone enough who has supported me so far with love and offerings of service to me and my family.

I know my Heavenly Father has a plan for me and that through Him and my Savior Jesus Christ I can be strengthened more than I ever thought possible. I am trusting Him and His plan and I hope that through this trial I can help others now and in the future.

Fight Faithfully. - Taya
Beautifully and strongly written. We love you dearly Taya.
ReplyDeleteThis is Kate Capone. Taya, I miss you so much and I know that you are a strong and faithful girl. I have lots of faith that you will get through this and you will stay strong. I want you to know that Heavenly Father, The Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ will always be with you, even in the most horrifying times. I love you so much and I know that you can get through this. Miracles happen everyday.
ReplyDeleteOur family loves you Taya and we know you can do this. The Lord knows you can do this and he knows you can help others through this experience. He will be there with you at your lowest times. He has felt all your pain and feelings. You are in our prayers. ❤
ReplyDeleteThis is the last thing I wanted to hear besides your demise. It brought us to tears of course. You are an amazing young woman though and you will pull through this too. I immediately thought of our last conversation and your saying you were on top of it now. We were both happy about that. Seems this will delay school and mission plans a little. I refer you to Alma 36:3...For I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day. You are on our mindustry and in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteYour faith is so strong.You are amazing Taya. Let Christ strengthen you in these tough times. Thank you for your testimony and example.
ReplyDeleteTaya: Raymond holds a special place in its heart for the Sheen family. Your dad is the age of our sons--we love him. Our love and sincere prayers are with you at this time. Our family truly leans on this scripture. May it comfort you, and yours, as well. "...I will be on your right hand, and on your left, and my spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." Bless you every step of this journey. Much love, The Tollestrups
ReplyDeleteHi Taya, your cousin Kimberly here. I haven't spent a lot of time with your family being so far away, but I want you to know you and your family will be in my thoughts every day, I will always be here for you (we will come visit LA when you're ready), and I love you dearly. Your message was beautifully written and you sound very strong right now. I can already tell you are going to be an inspiration to everyone around you. I look forward to your updates--and I'll keep in touch with your dad so he stays sane (he's a blood brother to me!) ��
ReplyDeleteHey Taya, It's your cousins the Rudys. Greetings from Idaho. From Erik, We miss you alot and hope you get better soon. From Shelby, We love you very much and are praying for you every day. From Alexis, I wish you were here so I could give you a big hug. From Jacob, I know this is tough for you but you are always in our prayer. From Uncle Stephen and Aunt Wendy, We have loved watching the wonderful woman you are becoming. You have a strength beyond your years.
ReplyDeleteHey Taya, I remember having english classes with you over the past few years in HS. I don't know if you remember me, but I remember every time I saw you, you had a bright and happy face on. You're so strong, and I hope you're feeling better. If you need anything don't be afraid to holler and let me know. I'm glad you'll still be attending the senior activities. My family and I will be keeping you in our prayers. God bless you and your family with your journey through cancer and safe travels down to LA.
ReplyDeleteMuch Love,
Stephanie Choa
Thank you for sharing. I've always been impressed with your strength, focus, and maturity. Our prayers are with you. Sister Webster
ReplyDeleteI love you my sweet girl! You amaze me every single day! The Lord is with you every step of the way! xoxoxoxox momma
ReplyDeleteWow I had no idea you were going through this. You are so strong. Our family will definitely be praying for you to be able to handle everything you need to handle right now. Lots of hugs to you. ❤
ReplyDeleteWow girl!! You are in my thoughts and prayers l. I'm sure this is hard on not only you but your family too but I know your family is an awesome support. I'm always amazed by you when I see you at church, you have a bright testimony and you're right - so much ahead! Sending love!
ReplyDeleteHi Taya...Thank-you for sharing your story. In the brief moments that we have met I've noticed that you resonated a strength beyond your years. It is that strength coupled with your Love for and from your Heavenly Father and your earthly parents and brother and sister, that will get you through this. With this combination of faith, strength, and support, I know you will beat this...hands down! ;) ��Thoughts are with you...
ReplyDeleteAll us Scotts in the desert are rooting for you. Prayers going up every day. The Battle belongs to the Lord. Love, Mike, Maryann, Mike Jr. Joy, Rebecca, Sara, Ben, Joel and Salome.